Family #: 30
Adopted: NO
Number of Family Members:
I’m a single mom with two energetic boys, 15 and 16. They like a lot of the same stuff, which is great, but sometimes it feels like their options are kinda limited. Right now, they really want a Nintendo Switch or a bigger TV for gaming. When they’re not gaming, they’re having crazy Nerf gun battles all over the house! I am grateful for your decision to help a family for Christmas. Maybe one day my boys will look back and be able to do the same for someone else. Lots of warm wishes for you and your love ones this holiday season.
Family Wish List:
Closest grocery store: Walmart
Adopted: NO
Number of Family Members:
I’m a single mom with two energetic boys, 15 and 16. They like a lot of the same stuff, which is great, but sometimes it feels like their options are kinda limited. Right now, they really want a Nintendo Switch or a bigger TV for gaming. When they’re not gaming, they’re having crazy Nerf gun battles all over the house! I am grateful for your decision to help a family for Christmas. Maybe one day my boys will look back and be able to do the same for someone else. Lots of warm wishes for you and your love ones this holiday season.
Family Wish List:
Closest grocery store: Walmart
Age: Gender: Coat Size: Shirt Size: Shoe Size: Pajama Size: Bedding Color: Bedding Size: Wish List: Child # 2
Age: Gender: Coat Size: Shirt Size: Shoe Size: Pajama Size: Bedding Color: Bedding Size: Wish List: |
Child # 1
Age: Gender: Coat Size: Shirt Size: Shoe Size: Pajama Size: Bedding Color: Bedding Size: Wish List: Child # 3
Age: Gender: Coat Size: Shirt Size: Shoe Size: Pajama Size: Bedding Color: Bedding Size: Wish List: |